New Website Launch
Welcome To The New Website!
Today we launch the new Kingston Wheelers Cycling Club website. The new website has been developed to make it easier for the potential members and members new and old to keep informed and up to date with all the news and events involving the club and it’s members. Over the coming weeks we will be updating the forum to a new version and turning on the members area of the website.
The new public website as launched today contains the following features:
- About The Club / History.
- Calendar of Events.
- Articles – News / Features / Introducing / Awards.
- Features.
- Introducing Members.
- Introducing Committee Members.
- Club Rides.
- Various FAQs.
- Records / Results.
- Newsletter.
- Contact different club officers directly.
A fair amount of work has gone into the development of the website and the time consuming migration of articles from the old site to the new. Not all the data will make it across but we will try to move a bit more relevant articles where possible.
New Forum
Over the couple of weeks a new forum will be introduced. It will have the current posts and topics moved, so all the history and information will be retained. It has been decided by the committee and announced a few weeks ago on the current website that the forum will be for members only. This be enforced from the new forum release and all none members will be blocked from entering the forum. You will only be able to use the forum as an active member, when your membership expires you will be blocked as well. A more firm date will be announced on the forum and this website but current estimates will be week after Easter.
Website – Members Area
After the release of the new forum the new “Members Area” of the website will be turned on for the members. You will be contacted with your login and password that will require changing on first login. The new website will allow the member to do the following:
- Manage there own details.
- Viewing of subscriptions.
- Viewing of yearly volunteering.
- Buy from the club shop, items like events, membership, social tickets, members sold items. Payment is made through PayPal as usual.
- View shop purchases history.
- View shop items you have sold, like buffs, clothing, events.
- Members Directory.
- Arrange bike box through the calendar.
- View club document.
- When available links to purchase club kit through external source.
- Reminder emails for membership expiry.
- Help FAQ’s for members on using the site.
As you can gather there is a lot of helpful features for the members but this will also make running of the club a lot less manual for the committee and the helpers. Managing and adding content of the website is a lot easier and so it will be the primary source for all information and the forum will be mainly for members to use to chat and arrange rides.
When you are contacted with details on the “Members Area” you will be given instructions on how and what you need to do, it will be straight forward and easy to use. Please don’t be concerned with the brave new world the club will enter. Finally when the new forum is up and running there will be a website feedback section for any issues plus you will be able to contact the web-master as usual. As a warning the website only supports modern browsers of the past 3-4 years, so please start updating that IE6 as it won’t work…..