Meet the Wheeler: Ronn Fraser
Ronn joined the club in 2015 and quickly became a much-loved member with his big laugh and easy-going nature. Whether he’s wrestling his bike in Flanders or having a crack at the Club 10, he’ll be sure to be riding his bike with a smile on his face.
Tell us about your journey into cycling
A few years ago I weighed 102kg and bought a road bike to help lose weight and to find some fitness. I was fortunate to have bumped into a Wheeler on a trip to France and was convinced to come along to join a ride with the Wheelers to learn more about bike riding. I’ve not looked back since. I started with laps of Richmond Park and now I’m a regular in the Surrey Hills and have been as far afield as the Alps. Today I weigh a mere 104kg… I have had a couple of good Christmases!
What do you like about Kingston Wheelers?
I like the diversity of backgrounds and the support of the members! The club isn’t a sign above a door, a website nor an unknown committee. It’s a group of like-minded people who like to ride their bikes. There is something for everyone; on-road, off-road, road racing, track, touring or social. You can find it all here at Kingston Wheelers. The club consists of my mates and my support group – which has been the most surprising and most welcome aspect that I have found since joining.

What would you say to the cycling community to encourage more diversity in cycling?
I would ask that the community embrace the rainbow and as a minimum understand why your club, committee, bike shop and roads do not reflect the make-up of your residents. I would also ask the community to not fear the debate and openly discuss any barriers that it may be inadvertently displaying to discourage inclusivity. I would finally ask what the community is doing or is willing to do to bring about change. I joined the Wheelers following a friendly conversation and being made to feel at home!
What advice would you give new riders to the sport?
Anyone looking to learn more about the sport cannot go wrong by first looking up British Cycling, by finding a club and exploring what more the sport has to offer. There is such a wide variety of things to discover, things that it can bring to you and that you can bring to the sport. I would encourage new riders to speak to others that they meet on the road or at a café stop and ask those in club kit their thoughts on their club. You’ll find most will happily describe their club culture and riding styles and will freely give advice on any subject. Ask about newcomer group rides; they are a great way to get to know if it is for you and there isn’t any commitment.

Why would you recommend Kingston Wheelers?
Recommending the Wheelers is easy, it’s a very open club. My first club ride could not have been better. There was no pressure and the group acted as if I had been riding with them for years. I got plenty of guidance throughout the morning and when we got home. The online forum is an absolute bonus; advice and tips in abundance. I had no idea what a cycle club was before meeting the Wheelers. The friendships and camaraderie has been the most rewarding aspect. Being Surrey based is a massive plus, the environment is a wonderful place to ride and learn.
The club is very much about its members and the community. I’m always impressed at the charitable side of the club. Anyone seeking a laugh, a social atmosphere or a chance to train with some chiselled whippets would love it here!