Meet the Wheeler: Ali Cigari
Ali first joined the Wheelers back in 2007 after a recommendation from a university friend. He left after a few years for a spell in Oxford, but returned to the fold in 2018 and has been getting stuck in time
Ronn’s Christmas cameo with Matt Stephens
Not just content with being awesome on the bike, our member Ronn Fraser has now turned his hand to acting too. He makes a cameo in the new Sigma Sports Christmas advert with Matt Stephens. We spoke to Ronn and
Meet the Wheeler: Caroline Hemmington
Caroline found her way into road cycling by borrowing a bike for a Surrey sportive. After meeting a Wheeler on Box Hill she signed up to the club in 2015, and soon got stuck in volunteering, joined the committee and
Wheelers take on the National Hill Climb
With much of the racing cancelled on 2020 the hill climb season has taken on an added importance this year, culminating in the National Hill Climb Championships on 25th October. We had four Wheelers racing this year's event, including Alice
Meet the Wheeler: Julia Schulz
Julia has been riding with us since 2017 and like many of our members found her way into the sport through commuting by bike to work. After discovering the social side of club cycling she was hooked, and when not
A new women’s record on Leith Hill
A sunny Saturday in Surrey saw a packed field of riders for our annual John Bornhoft Memorial Hill Climb. With most racing cancelled this season, the time trials and hill climbs that have been running have been seeing a great
Meet the Wheeler: Ronn Fraser
Ronn joined the club in 2015 and quickly became a much-loved member with his big laugh and easy-going nature. Whether he’s wrestling his bike in Flanders or having a crack at the Club 10, he’ll be sure to be riding
Le Wheeler du Ventoux
With two weeks cycling in France and several cols to tick off the bucketlist, member Luke Lynch took on the mighty Mount Ventoux not once, but three times, gaining himself a place in the legendary Club des Cinglés du Mont-Ventoux. A
Meet the Wheeler: Jasmijn Muller
Riding with Wheelers since 2011, it’s safe to say Jasmijn has established herself as a club legend by winning multiple TT titles and taking on the LEJOG record. Nowadays she is dedicating her time to ultra racing and progressing women’s